#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nmea.h" #include "main.h" #include "uart0.h" #include "uart1.h" #include "xprintf.h" /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get a line received from GPS module */ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ uint16_t get_line ( /* 0:line incomplete or timed out, >0: Number of bytes received. */ char *buff, uint16_t sz_buf ) { char c; static uint16_t i = 0; uint16_t ret_len; set_timer(recv_timeout, 1000); for (;;) { wdt_reset(); if (FLAGS & (F_LVD | F_POWEROFF)) return 0; /* A brownout is detected */ if (timer_expired(recv_timeout)) return 0; /* timeout; continue the main loop */ if (System.keypress) /* process user keypress */ return 0; if (!uart0_test()) { sleep(); continue; } c = (char)uart0_get(); if (i == 0 && c != '$' ) continue; /* Find start of line */ if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { buff[i++] = '\r'; buff[i++] = '\n'; buff[i++] = '\0'; /* add null termination for string */ break; /* EOL */ } buff[i++] = c; uart1_put(c); if (i >= sz_buf - 3) /* keep 3 bytes for terminating character */ i = 0; /* Buffer overflow (abort this line) */ } ret_len = i; i = 0; if (ret_len > 0) { uart1_put('\r'); uart1_put('\n'); } return ret_len; } /* Compare sentence header string */ BYTE gp_comp (const char *str1, __flash const char *str2) { char c; do { c = pgm_read_byte(str2++); } while (c && c == *str1++); return c; } #define FIELD_BUF_LEN 32 /* Get a column item */ static const char* gp_col ( /* Returns pointer to the item (returns a NULL when not found) */ const char* buf, /* Pointer to the sentence */ BYTE col /* Column number (0 is the 1st item) */ ) { BYTE c; static char field_buf[FIELD_BUF_LEN]; unsigned char length = 0; while (col) { do { c = *buf++; if (c <= ' ') return NULL; } while (c != ','); col--; } while (*buf && *buf != ',' && length < FIELD_BUF_LEN-1) { field_buf[length++] = *buf++; } field_buf[length] = '\0'; return field_buf; } unsigned int gp_val(const char *db, unsigned char count) { unsigned int out = 0; while (count--) { unsigned char n; n = *db - '0'; if (n >= 10) return 0; out *= 10; out += n; db++; } return out; } static time_t gp_rmc_parse(const char *str) { const char *p; struct tm tmc; p = gp_col(str, 1); /* Get h:m:s */ if (!p) return 0; tmc.tm_hour = gp_val(p, 2); tmc.tm_min = gp_val(p+2, 2); tmc.tm_sec = gp_val(p+4, 2); p = gp_col(str, 9); /* Get y:m:d */ if (!p) return 0; tmc.tm_mday = gp_val(p, 2); tmc.tm_mon = gp_val(p+2, 2) - 1; tmc.tm_year = gp_val(p+4, 2) + 100; utc = mktime(&tmc); /* Check time validity */ if (utc == -1) return 0; p = gp_col(str, 2); /* Get status */ if (!p || *p != 'A') { System.location_valid = LOC_INVALID; FLAGS &= ~F_GPSOK; return 0; /* Return 0 even is time is valid (comes from module's internal RTC) */ } FLAGS |= F_GPSOK; return utc; } static void gp_gga_parse(const char *str) { const char *p; double tmp; p = gp_col(str, 7); /* satellites used */ System.satellites_used = atoi(p); if (System.satellites_used >= System.conf.min_sats) { System.sat_count_low = 0; } else { System.sat_count_low = 1; } /* check validity */ p = gp_col(str, 6); if (*p == '0') { System.location_valid = LOC_INVALID; return; } if (!System.sat_count_low) System.location_valid = LOC_VALID_NEW; /* don't accept the coordinates otherwise, even if reported valid */ /* parse location */ p = gp_col(str, 2); /* latitude */ location.lat = gp_val(p, 2); /* degrees */ p += 2; xatof(&p, &tmp); /* minutes */ tmp /= 60; /* convert minutes to degrees */ location.lat += tmp; p = gp_col(str, 3); /* N/S */ if (*p != 'N') location.lat = -location.lat; p = gp_col(str, 4); /* longitude */ location.lon = gp_val(p, 3); /* degrees */ p += 3; xatof(&p, &tmp); /* minutes */ tmp /= 60; /* convert minutes to degrees */ location.lon += tmp; p = gp_col(str, 5); /* E/W */ if (*p != 'E') location.lon = -location.lon; p = gp_col(str, 6); /* fix type */ if (*p == '2') System.sbas = 1; else System.sbas = 0; p = gp_col(str, 9); /* MSL altitude */ xatof(&p, &tmp); location.alt = tmp; location.time = utc; /* parsed from RMC */ } static void gp_vtg_parse(const char *str) { const char *p; double speed; p = gp_col(str, 9); if (*p == 'N') /* Not valid */ return; p = gp_col(str, 7); /* speed in km/h */ xatof(&p, &speed); System.speed = speed+0.5; } /*$PMTK355*31 Return $PMTK001,355,3,1,0,0*2E “$PMTK001,355,3,GLON_Enable,BEIDOU_Enable,GALILEO_Enable” The GLONASS search mode is enabled. */ static void pmtk001_parse(const char *str) { const char *p; /* check validity */ p = gp_col(str, 1); if (strcmp_P(p, PSTR("355"))) /* not the PMTK355 reply */ return; p = gp_col(str, 2); if (*p == '0' || *p == '1') { /* invalid / unsupported */ System.gps_only = 1; xputs_P(PSTR("GPS only\r\n")); } else { System.gps_only = 0; xputs_P(PSTR("Multi GNSS\r\n")); } gps_initialize(); } unsigned char nmea_checksum(const char *str) { unsigned char cs = 0; while (*str && *str != '*') { cs ^= *str++; /* NMEA checksum is quite primitive, but still should catch simple bitstream errors or truncated lines */ } return cs; } time_t gps_parse(const char *str) { /* Get all required data from NMEA sentences */ signed int len = strlen(str)-2; /* remove final \r\n */ const char *checksum; unsigned char calc_checksum, inc_checksum; signed int i; char c; if (len < 4) return 0; /* each message must contain $.*xx where . is one or more actual data characters and xx is the checksum */ for (i = len-1; i && i >= (len-2); i--) { /* find checksum */ if (str[i] == '*') break; } checksum = str+i+1; /* skip * character */ inc_checksum = 0; /* parse hex string */ while (*checksum && isalnum(*checksum)) { inc_checksum *= 16; c = *checksum++; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { inc_checksum += c - '0'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { inc_checksum += c - 'a' + 10; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { inc_checksum += c - 'A' + 10; } else { xputs_P(PSTR("Invalid NMEA: malformed checksum\r\n")); return 0; /* invalid checksum character */ } } str++; /* drop initial $ */ calc_checksum = nmea_checksum(str); if (inc_checksum != calc_checksum) { xputs_P(PSTR("Invalid NMEA checksum received\r\n")); return 0; } if (!gp_comp(str, PSTR("GPRMC")) || !gp_comp(str, PSTR("GNRMC")) || !gp_comp(str, PSTR("BDRMC")) || !gp_comp(str, PSTR("GARMC"))) { return gp_rmc_parse(str); } if (!gp_comp(str, PSTR("GPGGA")) || !gp_comp(str, PSTR("GNGGA")) || !gp_comp(str, PSTR("BDGGA")) || !gp_comp(str, PSTR("GAGGA"))) { gp_gga_parse(str); return 0; } if (!gp_comp(str, PSTR("GPVTG")) || !gp_comp(str, PSTR("GNVTG"))) { gp_vtg_parse(str); return 0; } if (!System.gps_initialized && !gp_comp(str, PSTR("PMTK011"))) { gps_initialize(); return 0; } if (!gp_comp(str, PSTR("PMTK001"))) { pmtk001_parse(str); return 0; } return 0; } void uart0_put_wrap(int c) { uart0_put((char)c); } void gps_initialize(void) { /* * PMTK355: query gnss search mode (will fail if only GPS is supported) * PMTK353: set gnss search mode (GPS/Galileo/Glonass/Beidou) * PMTK313: enable SBAS */ if (!System.gps_initialized) xfprintf(uart0_put_wrap, PSTR("$PMTK355*31\r\n")); if (get_flag(CONFFLAG_ENABLE_SBAS)) xfprintf(uart0_put_wrap, PSTR("$PMTK313,1*2E\r\n")); else xfprintf(uart0_put_wrap, PSTR("$PMTK313,0*2F\r\n")); if (!System.gps_only) { switch (System.conf.gnss_mode) { default: case GNSS_MODE_GPS_GLONASS_GALILEO: xfprintf(uart0_put_wrap, PSTR("$PMTK353,1,1,1,0,0*2A\r\n")); break; case GNSS_MODE_GPS: xfprintf(uart0_put_wrap, PSTR("$PMTK353,1,0,0,0,0*2A\r\n")); break; case GNSS_MODE_GPS_GALILEO: xfprintf(uart0_put_wrap, PSTR("$PMTK353,1,0,1,0,0*2B\r\n")); break; case GNSS_MODE_GALILEO: xfprintf(uart0_put_wrap, PSTR("$PMTK353,0,0,1,0,0*2A\r\n")); break; case GNSS_MODE_GPS_BEIDOU: xfprintf(uart0_put_wrap, PSTR("$PMTK353,1,0,0,0,1*2B\r\n")); break; case GNSS_MODE_BEIDOU: xfprintf(uart0_put_wrap, PSTR("$PMTK353,0,0,0,0,1*2A\r\n")); break; } } else { System.conf.gnss_mode = GNSS_MODE_GPS; } xputs_P(PSTR("GPS init sent\r\n")); System.gps_initialized = 1; } void check_min_sat_limit(void) { if (System.conf.min_sats > 6 && (System.conf.gnss_mode == GNSS_MODE_GPS || System.conf.gnss_mode == GNSS_MODE_GALILEO || System.conf.gnss_mode == GNSS_MODE_BEIDOU)) { /* by geometry, max visible number is 6..12 */ System.conf.min_sats = 6; } }