/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extended itoa, puts and printf (C)ChaN, 2011 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef XITOA #define XITOA #define __PROG_TYPES_COMPAT__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #include <inttypes.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> extern void (*xfunc_out)(uint8_t); #define xdev_out(func) xfunc_out = (void(*)(uint8_t))(func) /* This is a pointer to user defined output function. It must be initialized before using this modle. */ void xputc(char chr); /* This is a stub function to forward outputs to user defined output function. All outputs from this module are output via this function. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void xputs(const prog_char *string); /* The string placed in the ROM is forwarded to xputc() directly. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void xitoa(long value, char radix, char width); /* Extended itoa(). value radix width output 100 10 6 " 100" 100 10 -6 "000100" 100 10 0 "100" 4294967295 10 0 "4294967295" 4294967295 -10 0 "-1" 655360 16 -8 "000A0000" 1024 16 0 "400" 0x55 2 -8 "01010101" */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void xprintf(const prog_char *format, ...); /* Send formatted string to the registered device */ void xsprintf(char*, const prog_char *format, ...); /* Put formatted string to the memory */ void xfprintf(void(*func)(uint8_t), const prog_char *format, ...); /* Send formatted string to the specified device */ /* Format string is placed in the ROM. The format flags is similar to printf(). %[flag][width][size]type flag A '0' means filled with '0' when output is shorter than width. ' ' is used in default. This is effective only numeral type. width Minimum width in decimal number. This is effective only numeral type. Default width is zero. size A 'l' means the argument is long(32bit). Default is short(16bit). This is effective only numeral type. type 'c' : Character, argument is the value 's' : String placed on the RAM, argument is the pointer 'S' : String placed on the ROM, argument is the pointer 'd' : Signed decimal, argument is the value 'u' : Unsigned decimal, argument is the value 'X' : Hexdecimal, argument is the value 'b' : Binary, argument is the value '%' : '%' */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char xatoi(char **str, long *ret); /* Get value of the numeral string. str Pointer to pointer to source string "0b11001010" binary "0377" octal "0xff800" hexdecimal "1250000" decimal "-25000" decimal ret Pointer to return value */ #endif /* XITOA */