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Split nmea parsing to a new file

k4be 2 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
5 tập tin đã thay đổi với 202 bổ sung215 xóa
  1. 1 1
  2. 2 214
  3. 1 0
  4. 192 0
  5. 6 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 PROJECT	= glg
 ### Source files and search directory
-CSRC    = main.c uart0.c uart1.c ff.c mmc.c 1wire.c ds18b20.c expander.c HD44780-I2C.c I2C.c xprintf.c gpx.c ffunicode.c display.c working_modes.o timec.o
+CSRC    = main.c uart0.c uart1.c ff.c mmc.c 1wire.c ds18b20.c expander.c HD44780-I2C.c I2C.c xprintf.c gpx.c ffunicode.c display.c working_modes.o timec.o nmea.o
 ASRC    = stime.S
 VPATH   =

+ 2 - 214

@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "display.h"
 #include "working_modes.h"
 #include "timec.h"
+#include "nmea.h"
 /*FUSES = {0xFF, 0x11, 0xFE};*/		/* ATmega644PA fuses: Low, High, Extended.
 This is the fuse settings for this project. The fuse bits will be included
@@ -113,7 +114,6 @@ ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect)
 	if (uart1_test() && uart1_get() == '0' && uart1_get() == ' '){
-		LEDR_ON();
 	/* keyboard */
@@ -167,53 +167,13 @@ ISR(ADC_vect)
-static void sleep(void) {
+void sleep(void) {
-/*  Get a line received from GPS module               */
-UINT get_line (		/* 0:Brownout or timeout, >0: Number of bytes received. */
-	char *buff,
-	UINT sz_buf
-	char c;
-	UINT i = 0;
-	set_timer(recv_timeout, 1000);
-	for (;;) {
-		wdt_reset();
-		if (FLAGS & (F_LVD | F_POWEROFF))
-			return 0;	/* A brownout is detected */
-		if (timer_expired(recv_timeout))
-			return 0; /* timeout; continue the main loop */
-		if (!uart0_test()) {
-			sleep();
-			continue;
-		}
-		c = (char)uart0_get();
-		uart1_put(c);
-		if (i == 0 && c != '$')
-			continue;	/* Find start of line */
-		buff[i++] = c;
-		if (c == '\n')
-			break;	/* EOL */
-		if (i >= sz_buf)
-			i = 0;	/* Buffer overflow (abort this line) */
-	}
-	return i;
 /* Controls                                                                 */
@@ -229,178 +189,6 @@ void beep (UINT len, BYTE cnt)
-/* Compare sentence header string */
-BYTE gp_comp (const char *str1, __flash const char *str2)
-	char c;
-	do {
-		c = pgm_read_byte(str2++);
-	} while (c && c == *str1++);
-	return c;
-#define FIELD_BUF_LEN	32
-/* Get a column item */
-const char* gp_col (	/* Returns pointer to the item (returns a NULL when not found) */
-	const char* buf,	/* Pointer to the sentence */
-	BYTE col			/* Column number (0 is the 1st item) */
-) {
-	BYTE c;
-	static char field_buf[FIELD_BUF_LEN];
-	unsigned char length = 0;
-	while (col) {
-		do {
-			c = *buf++;
-			if (c <= ' ') return NULL;
-		} while (c != ',');
-		col--;
-	}
-	while (*buf && *buf != ',' && length < FIELD_BUF_LEN-1) {
-		field_buf[length++] = *buf++;
-	}
-	field_buf[length] = '\0';
-	return field_buf;
-BYTE gp_val2 (
-	const char *db
-	BYTE n, m;
-	n = db[0] - '0';
-	if (n >= 10)
-		return 0;
-	m = db[1] - '0';
-	if (m >= 10)
-		return 0;
-	return n * 10 + m;
-UINT gp_val3 (
-	const char *db
-	BYTE n, m, l;
-	n = db[0] - '0';
-	if (n >= 10)
-		return 0;
-	m = db[1] - '0';
-	if (m >= 10)
-		return 0;
-	l = db[2] - '0';
-	if (l >= 10)
-		return 0;
-	return n * 100 + m * 10 + l;
-static time_t gp_rmc_parse(const char *str) {
-	const char *p;
-	struct tm tmc;
-	p = gp_col(str, 1);		/* Get h:m:s */
-	if (!p)
-		return 0;
-	tmc.tm_hour = gp_val2(p);
-	tmc.tm_min = gp_val2(p+2);
-	tmc.tm_sec = gp_val2(p+4);
-	p = gp_col(str, 9);		/* Get y:m:d */
-	if (!p)
-		return 0;
-	tmc.tm_mday = gp_val2(p);
-	tmc.tm_mon = gp_val2(p+2) - 1;
-	tmc.tm_year = gp_val2(p+4) + 100;
-	utc = mktime(&tmc);				/* Check time validity */
-	if (utc == -1)
-		return 0;
-	p = gp_col(str, 2);		/* Get status */
-	if (!p || *p != 'A') {
-		System.location_valid = LOC_INVALID;
-		return 0;			/* Return 0 even is time is valid (comes from module's internal RTC) */
-	}
-	return utc;
-static void gp_gga_parse(const char *str) {
-	const char *p;
-	double tmp;
-	/* check validity */
-	p = gp_col(str, 6);
-	if (*p == '0') {
-		System.location_valid = LOC_INVALID;
-		return;
-	}
-	System.location_valid = LOC_VALID_NEW;
-	/* parse location */
-	p = gp_col(str, 2);		/* latitude */
- = gp_val2(p);	/* degrees */
-	p += 2;
-	xatof(&p, &tmp);	/* minutes */
-	tmp /= 60;			/* convert minutes to degrees */
- += tmp;
-	p = gp_col(str, 3);	/* N/S */
-	if (*p != 'N')
- =;
-	p = gp_col(str, 4);		/* longitude */
-	location.lon = gp_val3(p);	/* degrees */
-	p += 3;
-	xatof(&p, &tmp);	/* minutes */
-	tmp /= 60;			/* convert minutes to degrees */
-	location.lon += tmp;
-	p = gp_col(str, 5); /* E/W */
-	if (*p != 'E')
-		location.lon = -location.lon;
-	p = gp_col(str, 7); /* satellites used */
-	System.satellites_used = atoi(p);
-	p = gp_col(str, 9); /* MSL altitude */
-	xatof(&p, &tmp);
-	location.alt = tmp;
-	location.time = utc; /* parsed from RMC */
-static time_t gps_parse(const char *str) {	/* Get all required data from NMEA sentences */
-	if (!gp_comp(str, PSTR("$GPRMC"))) {
-		return gp_rmc_parse(str);
-	}
-	if (!gp_comp(str, PSTR("$GPGGA"))) {
-		gp_gga_parse(str);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 0;
 #define LOG_SIZE	300
 struct {

+ 1 - 0

@@ -177,4 +177,5 @@ void disk_timerproc (void); /* mmc.h */
 char *get_iso_time(time_t time, unsigned char local);
 void close_files(unsigned char flush_logs);
 unsigned char getkey(void);
+void sleep(void);

+ 192 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#include <avr/wdt.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <avr/sleep.h>
+#include "nmea.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "uart0.h"
+#include "uart1.h"
+#include "xprintf.h"
+/*  Get a line received from GPS module               */
+UINT get_line (		/* 0:Brownout or timeout, >0: Number of bytes received. */
+	char *buff,
+	UINT sz_buf
+	char c;
+	UINT i = 0;
+	set_timer(recv_timeout, 1000);
+	for (;;) {
+		wdt_reset();
+		if (FLAGS & (F_LVD | F_POWEROFF))
+			return 0;	/* A brownout is detected */
+		if (timer_expired(recv_timeout))
+			return 0; /* timeout; continue the main loop */
+		if (!uart0_test()) {
+			sleep();
+			continue;
+		}
+		c = (char)uart0_get();
+		uart1_put(c);
+		if (i == 0 && c != '$')
+			continue;	/* Find start of line */
+		buff[i++] = c;
+		if (c == '\n')
+			break;	/* EOL */
+		if (i >= sz_buf)
+			i = 0;	/* Buffer overflow (abort this line) */
+	}
+	return i;
+/* Compare sentence header string */
+BYTE gp_comp (const char *str1, __flash const char *str2)
+	char c;
+	do {
+		c = pgm_read_byte(str2++);
+	} while (c && c == *str1++);
+	return c;
+#define FIELD_BUF_LEN	32
+/* Get a column item */
+const char* gp_col (	/* Returns pointer to the item (returns a NULL when not found) */
+	const char* buf,	/* Pointer to the sentence */
+	BYTE col			/* Column number (0 is the 1st item) */
+) {
+	BYTE c;
+	static char field_buf[FIELD_BUF_LEN];
+	unsigned char length = 0;
+	while (col) {
+		do {
+			c = *buf++;
+			if (c <= ' ') return NULL;
+		} while (c != ',');
+		col--;
+	}
+	while (*buf && *buf != ',' && length < FIELD_BUF_LEN-1) {
+		field_buf[length++] = *buf++;
+	}
+	field_buf[length] = '\0';
+	return field_buf;
+unsigned int gp_val(const char *db, unsigned char count) {
+	unsigned int out = 0;
+	while (count--) {
+		unsigned char n;
+		n = *db - '0';
+		if (n >= 10)
+			return 0;
+		out *= 10;
+		out += n;
+		db++;
+	}
+	return out;
+static time_t gp_rmc_parse(const char *str) {
+	const char *p;
+	struct tm tmc;
+	p = gp_col(str, 1);		/* Get h:m:s */
+	if (!p)
+		return 0;
+	tmc.tm_hour = gp_val(p, 2);
+	tmc.tm_min = gp_val(p+2, 2);
+	tmc.tm_sec = gp_val(p+4, 2);
+	p = gp_col(str, 9);		/* Get y:m:d */
+	if (!p)
+		return 0;
+	tmc.tm_mday = gp_val(p, 2);
+	tmc.tm_mon = gp_val(p+2, 2) - 1;
+	tmc.tm_year = gp_val(p+4, 2) + 100;
+	utc = mktime(&tmc);				/* Check time validity */
+	if (utc == -1)
+		return 0;
+	p = gp_col(str, 2);		/* Get status */
+	if (!p || *p != 'A') {
+		System.location_valid = LOC_INVALID;
+		return 0;			/* Return 0 even is time is valid (comes from module's internal RTC) */
+	}
+	return utc;
+static void gp_gga_parse(const char *str) {
+	const char *p;
+	double tmp;
+	/* check validity */
+	p = gp_col(str, 6);
+	if (*p == '0') {
+		System.location_valid = LOC_INVALID;
+		return;
+	}
+	System.location_valid = LOC_VALID_NEW;
+	/* parse location */
+	p = gp_col(str, 2);		/* latitude */
+ = gp_val(p, 2);	/* degrees */
+	p += 2;
+	xatof(&p, &tmp);	/* minutes */
+	tmp /= 60;			/* convert minutes to degrees */
+ += tmp;
+	p = gp_col(str, 3);	/* N/S */
+	if (*p != 'N')
+ =;
+	p = gp_col(str, 4);		/* longitude */
+	location.lon = gp_val(p, 3);	/* degrees */
+	p += 3;
+	xatof(&p, &tmp);	/* minutes */
+	tmp /= 60;			/* convert minutes to degrees */
+	location.lon += tmp;
+	p = gp_col(str, 5); /* E/W */
+	if (*p != 'E')
+		location.lon = -location.lon;
+	p = gp_col(str, 7); /* satellites used */
+	System.satellites_used = atoi(p);
+	p = gp_col(str, 9); /* MSL altitude */
+	xatof(&p, &tmp);
+	location.alt = tmp;
+	location.time = utc; /* parsed from RMC */
+time_t gps_parse(const char *str) {	/* Get all required data from NMEA sentences */
+	if (!gp_comp(str, PSTR("$GPRMC"))) {
+		return gp_rmc_parse(str);
+	}
+	if (!gp_comp(str, PSTR("$GPGGA"))) {
+		gp_gga_parse(str);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return 0;

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "main.h"
+#include "ff.h"
+time_t gps_parse(const char *str);
+UINT get_line(char *buff, UINT sz_buf);