Makefile 20 KB

  1. # Makefile for ATmegaBOOT
  2. # E.Lins, 18.7.2005
  3. # $Id$
  4. #
  5. # Instructions
  6. #
  7. # To make bootloader .hex file:
  8. # make diecimila
  9. # make lilypad
  10. # make ng
  11. # etc...
  12. #
  13. # To burn bootloader .hex file:
  14. # make diecimila_isp
  15. # make lilypad_isp
  16. # make ng_isp
  17. # etc...
  18. #
  19. # Edit History
  20. # 201406xx: WestfW: More Makefile restructuring.
  21. # Split off Makefile.1284, Makefile.extras, Makefile.custom
  22. # So that in theory, the main Makefile contains only the
  23. # official platforms, and does not need to be modified to
  24. # add "less supported" chips and boards.
  25. # 201303xx: WestfW: Major Makefile restructuring.
  26. # Allows options on Make command line "make xx LED=B3"
  27. # (see also pin_defs.h)
  28. # Divide into "chip" targets and "board" targets.
  29. # Most boards are (recursive) board targets with options.
  30. # Move isp target to separate makefile (fixes m8 EFUSE)
  31. # Some (many) targets will now be rebuilt when not
  32. # strictly necessary, so that options will be included.
  33. # (any "make" with options will always compile.)
  34. # Set many variables with ?= so they can be overridden
  35. # Use arduinoISP settings as default for ISP targets
  36. #
  37. #
  38. # * Copyright 2013-2015 by Bill Westfield. Part of Optiboot.
  39. # * This software is licensed under version 2 of the Gnu Public Licence.
  40. # * See optiboot.c for details.
  41. HELPTEXT = "\n"
  42. #----------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. #
  44. # program name should not be changed...
  45. PROGRAM = optiboot
  46. # The default behavior is to build using tools that are in the users
  47. # current path variables, but we can also build using an installed
  48. # Arduino user IDE setup, or the Arduino source tree.
  49. # Uncomment this next lines to build within the arduino environment,
  50. # using the arduino-included avrgcc toolset (mac and pc)
  51. # ENV ?= arduino
  52. # ENV ?= arduinodev
  53. # OS ?= macosx
  54. # OS ?= windows
  55. # export symbols to recursive makes (for ISP)
  56. export
  57. # defaults
  58. MCU_TARGET = atmega644p
  59. BIGBOOT = 0
  60. BOOT_ON_POR = 1
  61. #APP_ON_EXTR = 0
  62. TIMEOUT = 4
  63. UART = 1
  65. BAUD_RATE = 230400
  66. LED_DATA_FLASH = 0
  67. AVR_FREQ = 7372800L
  68. LED = A6
  69. LED_START_ON = 1
  71. LDSECTIONS = -Wl,-Tlink_optiboot.ld
  72. all: atmega644p
  73. # Build environments
  74. # Start of some ugly makefile-isms to allow optiboot to be built
  75. # in several different environments. See the README.TXT file for
  76. # details.
  77. # default
  78. fixpath = $(1)
  79. SH := bash
  80. ifeq ($(ENV), arduino)
  81. # For Arduino, we assume that we're connected to the optiboot directory
  82. # included with the arduino distribution, which means that the full set
  83. # of avr-tools are "right up there" in standard places.
  84. # (except that in 1.5.x, there's an additional level of "up")
  85. TESTDIR := $(firstword $(wildcard ../../../tools/*))
  86. ifeq (,$(TESTDIR))
  87. # Arduino 1.5.x tool location compared to optiboot dir
  88. TOOLROOT = ../../../../tools
  89. else
  90. # Arduino 1.0 (and earlier) tool location
  91. TOOLROOT = ../../../tools
  92. endif
  93. GCCROOT = $(TOOLROOT)/avr/bin/
  94. ifeq ($(OS), windows)
  95. # On windows, SOME of the tool paths will need to have backslashes instead
  96. # of forward slashes (because they use windows cmd.exe for execution instead
  97. # of a unix/mingw shell?) We also have to ensure that a consistent shell
  98. # is used even if a unix shell is installed (ie as part of WINAVR)
  99. fixpath = $(subst /,\,$1)
  100. SHELL = cmd.exe
  101. SH = sh
  102. endif
  103. else ifeq ($(ENV), arduinodev)
  104. # Arduino IDE source code environment. Use the unpacked compilers created
  105. # by the build (you'll need to do "ant build" first.)
  106. ifeq ($(OS), macosx)
  107. TOOLROOT = ../../../../build/macosx/work/
  108. endif
  109. ifeq ($(OS), windows)
  110. TOOLROOT = ../../../../build/windows/work/hardware/tools
  111. endif
  112. GCCROOT = $(TOOLROOT)/avr/bin/
  113. AVRDUDE_CONF = -C$(TOOLROOT)/avr/etc/avrdude.conf
  114. else
  115. GCCROOT =
  117. endif
  118. STK500 = "C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\STK500\Stk500.exe"
  119. STK500-1 = $(STK500) -e -d$(MCU_TARGET) -pf -vf -if$(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex \
  120. -lFF -LFF -f$(HFUSE)$(LFUSE) -EF8 -ms -q -cUSB -I200kHz -s -wt
  121. STK500-2 = $(STK500) -d$(MCU_TARGET) -ms -q -lCF -LCF -cUSB -I200kHz -s -wt
  122. #
  123. # End of build environment code.
  124. OBJ = $(PROGRAM).o
  125. OPTIMIZE = -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax
  126. DEFS =
  127. CC = $(GCCROOT)avr-gcc
  128. # Override is only needed by avr-lib build system.
  129. HELPTEXT += "Option AVR_FREQ=<n> - Clock rate of AVR CPU\n"
  130. override CFLAGS = -g -Wall $(OPTIMIZE) -mmcu=$(MCU_TARGET) -DF_CPU=$(AVR_FREQ) $(DEFS)
  131. override LDFLAGS = $(LDSECTIONS) -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles
  132. OBJCOPY = $(GCCROOT)avr-objcopy
  133. OBJDUMP = $(call fixpath,$(GCCROOT)avr-objdump)
  134. SIZE = $(GCCROOT)avr-size
  135. #
  136. # Make command-line Options.
  137. # Permit commands like "make atmega328 LED_START_FLASHES=10" to pass the
  138. # appropriate parameters ("-DLED_START_FLASHES=10") to gcc
  139. #
  140. ifdef PRODUCTION
  141. ifneq ($(PRODUCTION),0)
  143. endif
  144. dummy = FORCE
  145. endif
  146. HELPTEXT += "Option CUSTOM_VERSION=nn - set a customer version number\n"
  147. ifdef CUSTOM_VERSION
  148. ifneq ($(CUSTOM_VERSION), 0)
  150. else
  152. endif
  153. dummy = FORCE
  154. endif
  155. HELPTEXT += "Option BAUD_RATE=nnnn - set the bit rate for communications\n"
  156. ifdef BAUD_RATE
  158. dummy = FORCE
  159. else
  160. BAUD_RATE_CMD = -DBAUD_RATE=115200
  161. endif
  162. HELPTEXT += "Option LED=B3 - set LED pin to particular port/bit\n"
  163. ifdef LED
  164. LED_CMD = -DLED=$(LED)
  165. dummy = FORCE
  166. endif
  167. HELPTEXT += "Option LED_START_FLASHES=n - set number of LED flashes when bootloader starts\n"
  168. ifdef LED_START_FLASHES
  170. dummy = FORCE
  171. else
  173. endif
  174. HELPTEXT += "Option LED_DATA_FLASH=1 - flash the LED each time data is received.\n"
  175. ifdef LED_DATA_FLASH
  176. ifneq ($(LED_DATA_FLASH), 0)
  178. dummy = FORCE
  179. endif
  180. endif
  181. HELPTEXT += "Option LED_START_ON=1 - Turn the LED on at bootload start\n"
  182. ifdef LED_START_ON
  183. ifneq ($(LED_START_ON), 0)
  185. endif
  186. dummy = FORCE
  187. endif
  188. HELPTEXT += "Option BIGBOOT=1 - enable extra features up to 1kbytes\n"
  189. # BIGBOOT: Include extra features, up to 1K.
  190. ifdef BIGBOOT
  191. ifneq ($(BIGBOOT), 0)
  193. dummy = FORCE
  194. endif
  195. endif
  196. HELPTEXT += "Option SUPPORT_EEPROM=1 - Include code to read/write EEPROM\n"
  197. ifdef SUPPORT_EEPROM
  198. ifneq ($(SUPPORT_EEPROM), 0)
  200. dummy = FORCE
  201. endif
  202. endif
  203. HELPTEXT += "Option SOFT_UART=1 - use a software (bit-banged) UART\n"
  204. ifdef SOFT_UART
  205. ifneq ($(SOFT_UART), 0)
  207. dummy = FORCE
  208. endif
  209. endif
  210. HELPTEXT += "Option SOFTTX=B5 - pin for software UART xmit \n"
  211. ifdef SOFTTX
  213. dummy = FORCE
  214. endif
  215. HELPTEXT += "Option SOFTRX=B6 - pin for software UART receive\n"
  216. ifdef SOFTRX
  218. dummy = FORCE
  219. endif
  220. HELPTEXT += "Option SINGLESPEED=1 - do not use U2X mode on UART\n"
  221. ifdef SINGLESPEED
  222. ifneq ($(SINGLESPEED), 0)
  224. endif
  225. endif
  226. HELPTEXT += "Option RS485=B0 - Pin for optional rs485 tx enable\n"
  227. ifdef RS485
  228. RS485_CMD = -DRS485=$(RS485)
  229. dummy = FORCE
  230. endif
  231. HELPTEXT += "Option NO_APP_SPM=1 - disallow application call of do_spm\n"
  232. ifdef NO_APP_SPM
  233. ifneq ($(NO_APP_SPM),0)
  235. endif
  236. endif
  237. HELPTEXT += "Option OSCCAL_VALUE=nnn - set set OSCCAL_VALUE in bootloader\n"
  238. ifdef OSCCAL_VALUE
  240. dummy = FORCE
  241. endif
  242. HELPTEXT += "Option BOOT_ON_POR - Run bootloader on power-on\n"
  243. ifdef NO_START_APP_ON_POR
  244. ifneq ($(NO_START_APP_ON_POR),0)
  246. dummy = FORCE
  247. endif
  248. endif
  249. ifdef BOOT_ON_POR
  250. ifneq ($(NO_START_APP_ON_POR),0)
  252. dummy = FORCE
  253. endif
  254. endif
  255. HELPTEXT += "Option APP_ON_EXTR - Run App on External Reset\n"
  256. ifdef START_APP_ON_EXTR
  257. ifneq ($(START_APP_ON_EXTR),0)
  259. dummy = FORCE
  260. endif
  261. endif
  262. ifdef APP_ON_EXTR
  263. ifneq ($(START_APP_ON_EXTR),0)
  265. dummy = FORCE
  266. endif
  267. endif
  273. #UART is handled separately and only passed for devices with more than one.
  274. HELPTEXT += "Option UART=n - use UARTn for communications\n"
  275. ifdef UART
  276. UART_CMD = -DUART=$(UART)
  277. endif
  278. ifdef UARTTX
  280. endif
  281. HELPTEXT += "Option TIMEOUT=n - set WDT to 1, 2, 4, or 8 seconds\n"
  282. ifdef TIMEOUT
  284. dummy = FORCE
  285. endif
  286. .PRECIOUS: %.elf
  287. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  288. # "Chip-level Platform" targets.
  289. # A "Chip-level Platform" compiles for a particular chip, but probably does
  290. # not have "standard" values for things like clock speed, LED pin, etc.
  291. # Makes for chip-level platforms should usually explicitly define their
  292. # options like: "make atmega1285 AVR_FREQ=16000000L LED=D0"
  293. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  294. #
  295. # Note about fuses:
  296. # the efuse should really be 0xf8; since, however, only the lower
  297. # three bits of that byte are used on the atmega168, avrdude gets
  298. # confused if you specify 1's for the higher bits, see:
  299. #
  300. #
  301. # similarly, the lock bits should be 0xff instead of 0x3f (to
  302. # unlock the bootloader section) and 0xcf instead of 0x2f (to
  303. # lock it), but since the high two bits of the lock byte are
  304. # unused, avrdude would get confused.
  305. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306. #
  307. HELPTEXT += "\n-------------\n\n"
  308. # Test platforms
  309. # Virtual boot block test
  310. HELPTEXT += "target virboot8 - ATmega8 with virtual boot partition\n"
  311. virboot8: TARGET = atmega8
  312. virboot8: MCU_TARGET = atmega8
  313. virboot8: CFLAGS += $(COMMON_OPTIONS) '-DVIRTUAL_BOOT_PARTITION' '-Dsave_vect_num=EE_RDY_vect_num'
  314. virboot8: AVR_FREQ ?= 16000000L
  315. virboot8: $(PROGRAM)_virboot8.hex
  316. ifndef PRODUCTION
  317. virboot8: $(PROGRAM)_virboot8.lst
  318. endif
  319. HELPTEXT += "target virboot328p - ATmega328 with virtual boot partition\n"
  320. virboot328: TARGET = atmega328
  321. virboot328: MCU_TARGET = atmega328p
  323. virboot328: AVR_FREQ ?= 16000000L
  324. virboot328: $(PROGRAM)_virboot328.hex
  325. ifndef PRODUCTION
  326. virboot328: $(PROGRAM)_virboot328.lst
  327. endif
  328. virboot328_isp: virboot328
  329. virboot328_isp: TARGET = virboot328
  330. virboot328_isp: MCU_TARGET = atmega328p
  331. # no boot section, SPIEN
  332. virboot328_isp: HFUSE ?= DF
  333. # Low power xtal (16MHz) 16KCK/14CK+65ms
  334. virboot328_isp: LFUSE ?= FF
  335. # 2.7V brownout
  336. virboot328_isp: EFUSE ?= FD
  337. virboot328_isp: isp
  338. virboot8_isp: virboot8
  339. virboot8_isp: TARGET = virboot8
  340. virboot8_isp: MCU_TARGET = atmega8
  341. # SPIEN, CKOPT (for full swing xtal), boot section 1k
  342. # Note that we need boot section to include our SPM instructions,
  343. # even though we do not enable BOOTRST
  344. virboot8_isp: HFUSE ?= CB
  345. # 2.7V brownout, 16MHz Xtal, 16KCK/14CK+65ms
  346. virboot8_isp: LFUSE ?= BF
  347. virboot8_isp: isp
  348. # Diecimila, Duemilanove with m168, and NG use identical bootloaders
  349. # Call it "atmega168" for generality and clarity, keep "diecimila" for
  350. # backward compatibility of makefile
  351. # ATmega8
  352. #
  353. HELPTEXT += "target atmega8 - ATmega8, ATmega8A, ATmega8L\n"
  354. atmega8: TARGET = atmega8
  355. atmega8: MCU_TARGET = atmega8
  356. atmega8: CFLAGS += $(COMMON_OPTIONS)
  357. atmega8: AVR_FREQ ?= 16000000L
  358. atmega8: $(PROGRAM)_atmega8.hex
  359. ifndef PRODUCTION
  360. atmega8: $(PROGRAM)_atmega8.lst
  361. endif
  362. atmega8_isp: atmega8
  363. atmega8_isp: TARGET = atmega8
  364. atmega8_isp: MCU_TARGET = atmega8
  365. ifndef BIGBOOT
  366. # SPIEN, CKOPT (for full swing xtal), Bootsize=512B
  367. atmega8_isp: HFUSE ?= CC
  368. else
  369. # SPIEN, CKOPT (for full swing xtal), Bootsize=1024B
  370. atmega8_isp: HFUSE ?= CA
  371. endif
  372. # 2.7V brownout, 16MHz Xtal, 16KCK/14CK+65ms
  373. atmega8_isp: LFUSE ?= BF
  374. atmega8_isp: isp
  375. HELPTEXT += "target atmega168* - ATmega168/A, ATmega168P, ATMEGA1268PB\n"
  376. atmega168: TARGET = atmega168
  377. atmega168: MCU_TARGET = atmega168
  378. atmega168: CFLAGS += $(COMMON_OPTIONS)
  379. atmega168: AVR_FREQ ?= 16000000L
  380. atmega168: $(PROGRAM)_atmega168.hex
  381. ifndef PRODUCTION
  382. atmega168: $(PROGRAM)_atmega168.lst
  383. endif
  384. atmega168_isp: atmega168
  385. atmega168_isp: TARGET = atmega168
  386. # 2.7V brownout
  387. atmega168_isp: HFUSE ?= DD
  388. # Full swing (16MHz) 16KCK/14CK+65ms
  389. atmega168_isp: LFUSE ?= F7
  390. ifndef BIGBOOT
  391. # 512 byte boot
  392. atmega168_isp: EFUSE ?= FC
  393. else
  394. # 1024byte boot
  395. atmega168_isp: EFUSE ?= FA
  396. endif
  397. atmega168_isp: isp
  398. HELPTEXT += "target atmega328* - ATmega328, ATmega328p, ATmega328pb\n"
  399. atmega328: TARGET = atmega328
  400. atmega328: MCU_TARGET = atmega328p
  401. atmega328: CFLAGS += $(COMMON_OPTIONS)
  402. atmega328: AVR_FREQ ?= 16000000L
  403. atmega328: $(PROGRAM)_atmega328.hex
  404. ifndef PRODUCTION
  405. atmega328: $(PROGRAM)_atmega328.lst
  406. endif
  407. atmega328_isp: atmega328
  408. atmega328_isp: TARGET = atmega328
  409. atmega328_isp: MCU_TARGET = atmega328p
  410. ifndef BIGBOOT
  411. # 512 byte boot, SPIEN
  412. atmega328_isp: HFUSE ?= DE
  413. else
  414. # 1k byte boot, SPIEN
  415. atmega328_isp: HFUSE ?= DC
  416. endif
  417. # Low power xtal (16MHz) 16KCK/14CK+65ms
  418. atmega328_isp: LFUSE ?= FF
  419. # 2.7V brownout
  420. atmega328_isp: EFUSE ?= FD
  421. atmega328_isp: isp
  422. #Atmega1280
  423. #HELPTEXT += "target atmega1280 - ATmega1280 (100pin, 128k)\n"
  424. atmega1280: MCU_TARGET = atmega1280
  425. atmega1280: CFLAGS += $(COMMON_OPTIONS) -DBIGBOOT $(UART_CMD)
  426. atmega1280: AVR_FREQ ?= 16000000L
  427. atmega1280: $(PROGRAM)_atmega1280.hex
  428. ifndef PRODUCTION
  429. atmega1280: $(PROGRAM)_atmega1280.lst
  430. endif
  431. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  432. # "Board-level Platform" targets.
  433. # A "Board-level Platform" implies a manufactured platform with a particular
  434. # AVR_FREQ, LED, and so on. Parameters are not particularly changable from
  435. # the "make" command line.
  436. # Most of the board-level platform builds should envoke make recursively
  437. # appropriate specific options
  438. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  439. # 20MHz clocked platforms
  440. #
  441. # These are capable of 230400 baud, or 115200 baud on PC (Arduino Avrdude issue)
  442. #
  443. pro20: TARGET = pro_20mhz
  444. pro20: CHIP = atmega168
  445. pro20:
  446. "$(MAKE)" atmega168 AVR_FREQ=20000000L LED_START_FLASHES=3
  447. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).hex $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex
  448. ifndef PRODUCTION
  449. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).lst $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).lst
  450. endif
  451. pro20_isp: pro20
  452. pro20_isp: TARGET = pro_20mhz
  453. # 4.3V brownout (for max speed!)
  454. pro20_isp: HFUSE ?= DC
  455. # Full swing xtal (20MHz) 258CK/14CK+4.1ms
  456. pro20_isp: LFUSE ?= F7
  457. # 512 byte boot
  458. pro20_isp: EFUSE ?= FC
  459. pro20_isp: isp
  460. # 16MHz clocked platforms
  461. #
  462. # These are capable of 230400 baud, or 115200 baud on PC (Arduino Avrdude issue)
  463. #
  464. pro16: TARGET = pro_16MHz
  465. pro16: CHIP = atmega168
  466. pro16:
  467. "$(MAKE)" $(CHIP) AVR_FREQ=16000000L LED_START_FLASHES=3
  468. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).hex $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex
  469. ifndef PRODUCTION
  470. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).lst $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).lst
  471. endif
  472. pro16_isp: pro16
  473. pro16_isp: TARGET = pro_16MHz
  474. # 2.7V brownout
  475. pro16_isp: HFUSE ?= DD
  476. # Full swing xtal (20MHz) 258CK/14CK+4.1ms
  477. pro16_isp: LFUSE ?= F7
  478. # 512 byte boot
  479. pro16_isp: EFUSE ?= FC
  480. pro16_isp: isp
  481. diecimila: TARGET = diecimila
  482. diecimila: CHIP = atmega168
  483. diecimila:
  484. "$(MAKE)" $(CHIP) AVR_FREQ=16000000L LED_START_FLASHES=3
  485. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).hex $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex
  486. ifndef PRODUCTION
  487. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).lst $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).lst
  488. endif
  489. diecimila_isp: diecimila
  490. diecimila_isp: TARGET = diecimila
  491. # 2.7V brownout
  492. diecimila_isp: HFUSE ?= DD
  493. # Low power xtal (16MHz) 16KCK/14CK+65ms
  494. diecimila_isp: LFUSE ?= F7
  495. # 512 byte boot
  496. diecimila_isp: EFUSE ?= FC
  497. diecimila_isp: isp
  498. # MEGA1280 Board (this is different from the atmega1280 chip platform)
  499. # Mega has a minimum boot size of 1024 bytes, so enable extra functions
  500. # Note that optiboot does not (can not) work on the MEGA2560
  501. #mega: TARGET = atmega1280
  502. mega1280: atmega1280
  503. mega1280_isp: mega1280
  504. mega1280_isp: TARGET = atmega1280
  505. mega1280_isp: MCU_TARGET = atmega1280
  506. # 1024 byte boot
  507. mega1280_isp: HFUSE ?= DE
  508. # Low power xtal (16MHz) 16KCK/14CK+65ms
  509. mega1280_isp: LFUSE ?= FF
  510. # 2.7V brownout; wants F5 for some reason...
  511. mega1280_isp: EFUSE ?= F5
  512. mega1280_isp: isp
  513. # 8MHz clocked platforms
  514. #
  515. # These are capable of 115200 baud
  516. # Note that "new" Arduinos with an AVR as USB/Serial converter will NOT work
  517. # with an 8MHz target Arduino. The bitrate errors are in opposite directions,
  518. # and total too large a number.
  519. #
  520. lilypad: TARGET = $@
  521. lilypad: CHIP = atmega168
  522. lilypad:
  523. "$(MAKE)" $(CHIP) AVR_FREQ=8000000L LED_START_FLASHES=3
  524. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).hex $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex
  525. ifndef PRODUCTION
  526. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).lst $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).lst
  527. endif
  528. lilypad_isp: lilypad
  529. lilypad_isp: TARGET = lilypad
  530. # 2.7V brownout
  531. lilypad_isp: HFUSE ?= DD
  532. # Internal 8MHz osc (8MHz) Slow rising power
  533. lilypad_isp: LFUSE ?= E2
  534. # 512 byte boot
  535. lilypad_isp: EFUSE ?= FC
  536. lilypad_isp: isp
  537. # lilypad_resonator is the same as a 8MHz lilypad, except for fuses.
  538. lilypad_resonator: lilypad
  539. lilypad_resonator_isp: lilypad
  540. lilypad_resonator_isp: TARGET = lilypad
  541. # 2.7V brownout
  542. lilypad_resonator_isp: HFUSE ?= DD
  543. # Full swing xtal (20MHz) 258CK/14CK+4.1ms
  544. lilypad_resonator_isp: LFUSE ?= C6
  545. # 512 byte boot
  546. lilypad_resonator_isp: EFUSE ?= FC
  547. lilypad_resonator_isp: isp
  548. pro8: TARGET = pro_8MHz
  549. pro8: CHIP = atmega168
  550. pro8:
  551. "$(MAKE)" $(CHIP) AVR_FREQ=8000000L LED_START_FLASHES=3
  552. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).hex $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex
  553. ifndef PRODUCTION
  554. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).lst $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).lst
  555. endif
  556. pro8_isp: pro8
  557. pro8_isp: TARGET = pro_8MHz
  558. # 2.7V brownout
  559. pro8_isp: HFUSE ?= DD
  560. # Full swing xtal (20MHz) 258CK/14CK+4.1ms
  561. pro8_isp: LFUSE ?= C6
  562. # 512 byte boot
  563. pro8_isp: EFUSE ?= FC
  564. pro8_isp: isp
  565. atmega328_pro8: TARGET = atmega328_pro_8MHz
  566. atmega328_pro8: CHIP = atmega328
  567. atmega328_pro8:
  568. "$(MAKE)" $(CHIP) AVR_FREQ=8000000L LED_START_FLASHES=3
  569. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).hex $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex
  570. ifndef PRODUCTION
  571. mv $(PROGRAM)_$(CHIP).lst $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).lst
  572. endif
  573. atmega328_pro8_isp: atmega328_pro8
  574. atmega328_pro8_isp: TARGET = atmega328_pro_8MHz
  575. atmega328_pro8_isp: MCU_TARGET = atmega328p
  576. # 512 byte boot, SPIEN
  577. atmega328_pro8_isp: HFUSE ?= DE
  578. # Low power xtal (16MHz) 16KCK/14CK+65ms
  579. atmega328_pro8_isp: LFUSE ?= FF
  580. # 2.7V brownout
  581. atmega328_pro8_isp: EFUSE ?= FD
  582. atmega328_pro8_isp: isp
  583. #
  584. # Include additional platforms
  585. include Makefile.atmel
  586. include Makefile.extras
  587. include Makefile.1284
  588. include Makefile.custom
  589. include Makefile.2560
  590. include Makefile.tiny
  591. include Makefile.mcudude
  592. include Makefile.usbmcus
  594. ifndef PRODUCTION
  595. ifndef SOFT_UART
  596. BAUDCHECK= baudcheck
  597. endif
  598. endif
  599. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  600. #
  601. # Generic build instructions
  602. #
  603. FORCE:
  604. baudcheck: FORCE
  605. - @$(CC) --version
  606. - @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E baudcheck.c -o
  607. - @$(SH)
  608. isp: $(TARGET)
  609. "$(MAKE)" -f Makefile.isp isp TARGET=$(TARGET)
  610. isp-stk500: $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex
  611. $(STK500-1)
  612. $(STK500-2)
  613. %.elf: $(OBJ) $(BAUDCHECK) $(dummy)
  614. $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LIBS)
  615. $(SIZE) $@
  616. #windows "rm" is dumb and objects to wildcards that don't exist
  617. clean:
  618. @touch __temp_.o __temp_.elf __temp_.lst
  619. @touch __temp_.sym __temp_.lss __temp_.eep __temp_.srec
  620. @touch __temp_.bin __temp_.hex
  621. rm -rf *.o *.elf *.lst *.map *.sym *.lss *.eep *.srec *.bin *.hex *
  622. clean_asm:
  623. rm -rf *.lst
  624. %.lst: %.elf
  625. $(OBJDUMP) -h -S $< > $@
  626. %.hex: %.elf
  627. $(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex $< $@
  628. %.srec: %.elf
  629. $(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O srec $< $@
  630. %.bin: %.elf
  631. $(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O binary $< $@
  632. help:
  633. @echo -e $(HELPTEXT)
  634. install: all
  635. avrdude -c usbasp -p atmega644p -U lfuse:w:0xff:m -U hfuse:w:0x14:m -U efuse:w:0xfe:m -B100
  636. avrdude -c usbasp -p atmega644p -U flash:w:optiboot_atmega644p.hex